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Supplier: Global Trading
Supplier Colour: 2000mm Anti-Viral Bahamas black-out Light Cream
Rack/Bay: D2-68
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Roller Blind Antiviral Blackout Alabaster

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Roller Blind Antiviral Blackout Alabaster immagine del campione

A white that's soft rather than stark, this sleek roller is the ideal choice for neutral window dressing, versatile and bright; but whilst it may look simple, there's an incredibly practical feature behind the scenes. 

An antiviral additive in the fabric, which is tested and conforms with ISO18184:2019, turns the blind into an extra barrier against viruses entering your home, preventing them from settling on the material and giving you great peace of mind. It also helps to prevent stains and odours from settling too, making it effortless to live with.

And all of that with a blackout backing too, for amazing shading and all-round protection for your space.

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